Where Synchronicity Simply Happens

Welcome to Only 1 Egg, my personal contribution to this vast online universe. Now that you’ve arrived, meander your way freely among these various pages, and discover an ever expanding assortment of rather unconventional ideas.

Only 1 Egg

As the introduction to three content portals, Only 1 Egg presents mundane, everyday interests, such as my independent business ventures, our family experiences, typical home projects, and other related activities. Intended for those seeking prognostication services, or my online storefronts, this initial domain offers a fair degree of perspective, a glimpse for those scratching their heads, still wondering… What exactly is it that makes me tick, anyway?

World Clock Synthesis

The next domain holds the World Clock Synthesis, an interdisciplinary amalgamation that organizes our contemporary version of materialistic reality, alongside esoteric beliefs that informed our ancient ancestors. Here subjective archetypes are integrated with objective rationalism, with diverse concepts and ideas cross referenced and redistributed around a color coded, multilevel matrix. Combining these familiar psychological, scientific, and metaphysical systems upon a single holistic framework actually makes their subtle underlying interrelationships far easier to comprehend.

Coincidentally, this colorful assemblage of interesting notions just happens to be available as the World Clock Synthesis poster! Please consider if you would purchasing a copy of this original metaphysical musing. Essentially just another sincere soul’s attempt to encapsulate the universal principles of existence, a visualization showing how multi-dimensional reality is not only discernible, but surprisingly understandable.


Finally, there’s Alt-Think, a special domain reserved exclusively for my peculiar style of unusually free thought. Here you might expect encounters with alternative views on either modern or ancient society, obscure technological developments, weird views on geology, biology, or anthropology, on physics, energy, even gravity too! Thus consider any unquestioned field of human endeavor as being ‘fair game’ for an unconventional explanation. When such opportunities present themselves, I’ll record personal encounters with alternative thinking found along my way, accompanied by sources, references, and future paths for research.

So now, if you stumble across anything here that propels you to even further flung corners of this interlinked multiverse, events might yet unfold in a most curious fashion. Perhaps in response to some strange alignment of images and ideas discovered here, a once flickering flame of spirituality will suddenly reignite, illuminating your inner self to limitless possibilities. Or then again, perhaps you’ll be inflicted with a painful bout of incredulous, skeptical laughter. It’s really just a matter of which particular paradigms each of us still clings to. But then… What you see is what you get, don’t you know?

“Ideas rise from messy desks and messy minds where objects and concepts and memories that would not meet in an ordered universe bump into each other and start new and different disordered universes and boy is that self righteous coming from me.”

– The Last Whole Earth Catalog
