By: Richard Haider On: August 7, 2020 In: Bicycling Comments: 0
just another day... just another ride... life is good...

One of the ways I try to stay relatively sane and healthy is to get out on my bike for an hour or two each day… and just ride.

There’s this route I’ve set up, where first I head south along the Interurban Trail, then politely ride my way through the Nile Golf Course, mainly to get around Lake Ballinger more easily. Looping back north again from 205th, then up and over a minor hump, to dive on down for the Edmonds waterfront, usually with a brief stop at Brackett’s Landing to rehydrate. Climbing far more slowly back up and out of the bowl, to reach the pleasant, shady trails through both Yost Park, and Pine Ridge Park. After that, only another small hill or two, then I’m back home again.

Even though I take the mostly same route everyday, the ride is always a little different each time. From normal changes in weather, dodging pedestrians and other wheeled vehicles, to pleasant encounters with suburban wildlife along the way. There’s always some variety of new and interesting thing to see, if you’re paying attention. And you really should be paying attention, if you’re riding a bicycle on these mean city streets!

Yep.. It’s always so darn relaxing to just get out and ride a bike.